
Servicenow Node Bridge

Servicenow Node Bridge provides you a simple way to easily run npmjs packages by using servicenow and an external worker...

Generate a PDF from HTML on Servicenow

I am sure you know the feeling, when you want to generate a custom PDF on Servicenow. You search for a way, but the platform just simply does not offer enough. In this little how-to I would like to show you the process of creating a custom PDF while using Servicenow. We will use the very familiar and popular chrome browser for this. If I have your attention now, keep reading!

Servicenow x NodeJS Bridge Part 1

Did you ever wanted to write ES6 code or just simply use a node module while working with Servicenow? Now you can make your dreams come true!

Servicenow meets NodeJS

As a Software developer and user of a vast amount of Open Source projects on a daily basis, there were times, where I had to solve a problem in Servicenow and the first thing that came to my mind was “There must be a ready-made open source project ready for this kind of thing..”