
Serverless functions in Go

In the article you get to know how to build a simple serverless function and deploy it to AWS. Also you can get a good insight of what a serverless function is and the pros and cons of it.
Serverless functions in Go

SN-EDIT v0.2 released

The new version promises a more streamlined and stable experience on all the major platforms like MacOS, Linux or Windows! Now you can use sn-edit on any platform of your choice with the same features. All of these promises without installing any dependencies and simply just using one executable!
SN-EDIT v0.2 released

Replacing Javascript with Webassembly on

Why did I replace some of the javascript implemented functions with WASM (Webassembly) and its benefits
Replacing Javascript with Webassembly on

Did you ever heard about Go?

Choosing the right language for our project is never an easy task. It takes a lot of consideration what to invest your time into. Is a scripting or a programming language better?
Did you ever heard about Go?

Welcome to RS Labs

Introducing rs-labs, what is it for, how it was born.
Welcome to RS Labs

Generate a PDF from HTML on Servicenow

I am sure you know the feeling, when you want to generate a custom PDF on Servicenow. You search for a way, but the platform just simply does not offer enough. In this little how-to I would like to show you the process of creating a custom PDF while using Servicenow. We will use the very familiar and popular chrome browser for this. If I have your attention now, keep reading!

Servicenow x NodeJS Bridge Part 1

Did you ever wanted to write ES6 code or just simply use a node module while working with Servicenow? Now you can make your dreams come true!

Pastedb is now

Like I have announced in late 2018. A new project was born called PasteDB. The mission was clear. Provide a way to securely share short text snippets with your friends and family, without anyone intercepting the message, not even the hosting provider.
Pastedb is now

Servicenow Extensions

While working on new features and writing scripts for the platform, there are times where you will do the same thing repetitively. This is of course good to train your mind to remember part s of code easily, but also produces a lot of excessive lines of code which would result in less readability in the long term, produce “longer” scripts and make the whole thing harder to maintain.

Servicenow meets NodeJS

As a Software developer and user of a vast amount of Open Source projects on a daily basis, there were times, where I had to solve a problem in Servicenow and the first thing that came to my mind was “There must be a ready-made open source project ready for this kind of thing..”